
Smart Choices for the Exceptional Social Media Promotions

Defining a strategy on Social Media may seem simple, all you have to do is publish content on Social Media (texts, images, videos, etc.) so that Internet users can share them, visit your website, etc.

But it’s not that simple:

  • You have to know where you are starting from, your current performance (and those of competitors), with what works or not.
  • Then find a strategy to get your content to encourage Internet users to buy, publishing to publish content is useless (except to flatter your ego).
  • While measuring the results of your actions to improve your performance, in continuous learning mode.
  • Finally, dare to try new things (networks, types of publications) so as not to miss out on a good plan without going all over the place.

Why define a Strategy on Social Media?

  • Out of approximately 3,773 billion Internet users (Internet Live Stats, 2017), 2,789 billion users are active on social media.
  • In France, almost 25 million people have a Facebook account, 45 million people who visit Youtube every month, 45 million who visit Facebook every month (25 million for Instagram).
  • To come back to an emblematic example, did you know that Blendtec , the famous blender that grinds anything from iphone to ipad through vuvuzela, had at the time multiplied its sales by 5 thanks to social media?

Will it blend?

  • Or the good publicity stunt of Seb with the presenter Oprah Winfrey who praised the “oil-free” fryer, and which thus boosted the share price by nearly 5% (as well as sales.).
  • These fairly old examples are precursors of current Social Media strategies, with the power of communication and web resonance.
  • These figures show how much the use of social networks is part of our daily lives.
  • And this is even more true with the explosion of mobility: most of us use our cell phones several times a day to browse the internet, check their emails, but also to have fun on social media.

This explains the emergence and explosion of platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, etc.

In order not to neglect such an audience, defining a strategy on Social Media and a specific marketing plan becomes essential. A good social media marketing agency in Singapore will take care of the entire process.

A question may arise: what is the difference between a strategy on Social Media, and a marketing plan on Social Media?

  • With your Social Media strategy you will define the “why” you need to go and what you want to do there, and with the marketing plan you will define the “how” to achieve your goals operationally.
  • The key to success is knowing where to focus your efforts (time and money), what are the priorities to follow.
  • To succeed in your communication, you must define a plan that summarizes everything you plan to do concretely (which social networks, which objectives, which means).
  • The more precise this plan, the easier it will be to implement.
  • It is therefore very profitable to spend 2 hours defining your strategy, and then deploying it throughout the year.

In fact, most of the strategies on Social Media are defined over the year, with the priority axes, the highlights, but the action plan is revised every quarter according to the results, the evolution of the priorities, the opportunities which are presented.