When a driver is responsible for a car mishap in Oregon, they are also liable for the losses incurred by others. If you were hurt in such an accident in Salem, you should check personal injury laws in the state to know about the legal aspects. Typically, the process starts with an insurance claim, which you need to file with the other driver’s carrier. While you should inform the local police and the insurance companies at the earliest, wait to talk to a car accident lawyer Salem, OR, before you take the next step. Here are five pertinent signs to look for an attorney.
- Your injuries are life-altering: On-road accidents in Salem often have traumatic outcomes for everyone involved. No matter whether you were in another vehicle or just walking down the road, you need to see a lawyer for the damages when your injuries are severe. Examples of such injuries include disfigurement, multiple fractures, brain damage, and burn injuries.
- The insurance company has made a petty offer: If you have filed a claim already but have been offered a low settlement amount from the insurance team, talk to a competent injury lawyer. Do not assume that the claims adjuster is helping you with their words. Their eventual goal is to protect the profits of the insurance company. Let the attorney negotiate on your behalf.
- You are responsible for the crash to some extent: Oregon’s laws allow you to sue and recover money from the other at-fault driver when your liability is lower than theirs. If you believe you could have prevented the accident from happening or were distracted at that time, meet a lawyer to know whether you have a valid claim.
- The accident involved many parties at once: Finding fault and accountability for mishaps that involved multiple vehicles can be quite a challenge. Lawyers have the means and ways to investigate car accidents and can also take help from experts to determine the party who is answerable for your losses.
- You are scared of the legal process: It is okay to not know enough about injury laws or how to deal with a claim. However, when your financial compensation is on the line, you shouldn’t take chances either. Fortunately, most law firms in Salem will take your car accident lawsuit on a contingency arrangement, and therefore, you only need to pay the lawyer’s fee if you get money.
Start looking for law firms promptly after the accident.
Samuel Bieker
the authorSamuel Bieker
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