
Different Stages Of A Divorce Case

When a couple decides to seek a divorce, the decision might be mutual or one-sided. In both cases, each spouse has the right to express their terms and conditions. If they both have a good, understand the divorce procedure might be more straightforward and less expensive. However, they might have to go to court if they can agree to each other’s terms and conditions. Going to court can result in the loss of both as the final decision of their divorce is in the judge’s hands, and none of them can disobey the terms of their divorce. 

If you need clarification about which types of divorce you and your spouse can seek and which is the best for you, contact an Ottawa Family Lawyer to seek the right advice on all the legalities of your state and federal laws in divorce and child custody. 

Different stages of a divorce 

Filign a peition for divorce 

The primary step is registering your drive in court to make it official. For that, you must file a petition that you and your spouse no longer want to continue the marriage and seek a mutual consent divorce. 

The procedure to file a petition is always simple in any state. Most of them provide online forms and documents you and your spouse must complete and submit to the court. 

Once you submit the documents and forms in court, the court will revert in a couple of days, approving your appeal. After that, the court will arrange a trial where you and your spouse must present with your divorce attorneys. 

Temporary orders 

The temporary orders phase is specially designed for the period when the couple is in the middle of their divorce proceeding. These orders contain terms like child custody, child support, alimony, etc. These terms deicide in this stage of divorce only last until the couple’s divorce is finalized. 

Until then, the couple must follow all the regulations the court sets under temporary orders. Additionally, during your temporary orders phase, you also file appeals in the court for several aspects like:

  • Appealing the court to allow you the possession of your family house and ask your spouse to leave and live somewhere else 
  • Petitioning the court to decide a certain amount for child support 
  • If you cannot afford your attorney, you can ask the court to provide you with financial aid. 

Settling you case 

Once the temporary orders phase beings, your divorce trial will begin soon. In the trial, you have to ensure to pursue your rights like spousal support, asset distribution, child support, child custody, etc. 

The good thing is even if you are not aware of all your rights, your divorce attorney will be there to guide you through everything.